Ready to submit your entry or nomination?

Please read the instructions below carefully before submitting:

Direct submissions this way >>

Nominations this way >>

  • One submission per category. If you wish to enter multiple categories, you can do so by submitting an entry per category.
  • Ensure you answer all the questions accurately and avoid errors/typos/factual inconsistencies. Once submitted, you can't edit your entry/nomination. 
  • Attach supporting documents or evidence to elevate your entry (you can enter up to 3 attachments). 
  • File size warning - please make sure all documents are less than 5MB in size. If you wish to provide videos, please include a YouTube link in your document submission. 
  • By submitting an entry, participants agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined by SOE. You can also view our Data and GDPR Policy here. Your entries and related information will be shared with our judging panel for judging, as well as our venue partner to process a smooth event operation at the awards lunch in October. View the awards terms and conditions here
  • All shortlisted entries will be announced via our website, and photos/bios shared will also be featured on press/print/social media and other outlets. 
  • Make sure you choose the right form to enter. For direct entries, use the form below. For nominations, please click here or scroll further below. 

Direct entry categories

If you're entering any of these categories, use the form below to submit your entry:

  • Helix Award
  • Environmental Engineer of the Year
  • Road Transport Engineer of the Year
  • Plant Engineer of the Year
  • Engineer Surveyor of the Year
  • Safety Specialist of the Year
  • Engineering Company of the Year
  • Safety Innovation of the Year
  • People Development Champion


Nomination Categories

If you're submitting a nomination for any of the following categories, please use the form below: 

  • Future Leader (via nominations from managers)
  • SOE Volunteer of the Year (via nominations by SOE members only)
  • SOE region of the Year (via nominations by SOE members only)