What are the qualities of Fellowship?
You must show on your application form evidence of the following competencies.
There are two options when applying for Fellowship:
Option 1: Complete Part 1 – Evidence and Part 2 Desirable Qualities.
Option 2: Complete Part 1 – Evidence, 1 question from Part 2 – Desirable Qualities and 1 question from Part 3 - Optional Qualities.
Part 1 - Evidence
All of the below must be demonstrated.
E1: A position of senior responsibility and/or significant autonomy in your particular field.
E2: Demonstrable leadership qualities.
E3: Influencing policy and strategy making decisions in either a technical or business environment.
Part 2 - Desirable qualities
D1: Highly specialist knowledge in a specific area of engineering.
D2: Technical or engineering resource management and/or personnel management and development.
Part 3 - Optional qualities
O1: Responsibility for a budget and the associated risk.
O2: Application of a significant range of fundamental principles and complex techniques across a wide and often unpredictable variety of contexts.
O3: Active development and application of new technologies in engineering and related areas at senior level.
Fellow class of membership (FSOE) is the highest grade attainable at the SOE and is granted by the Membership & Professional Standards Committee. Fellowship is given to those who have influenced engineering policy. Some examples of this are those who have made a vast contribution to safe, environmentally sustainable operations engineering, or have specialist technical knowledge which they have shared with others and used for the benefit of the public.
Members who are FSOE can vote and stand for SOE’s Trustee Board and Membership & Professional Standards Committee elections as with MSOE. FSOE carries considerable prestige and responsibility and shows you as a senior leader in the field of operations engineering.
If you wish to apply for Fellow, you will need to satisfy the requirements for Member class as well as show evidence for the qualities of Fellowship. You need to be registered with the Engineering Council. If you do not hold professional registration you will be assessed for Fellow via the non-engineering ‘Industry Professional Route’.
If you are already a member and wish to upgrade to Fellow class please contact membership@soe.org.uk.
Our annual fee for FSOE is currently £189, which is pro-rated depending on when you join during the year, and then renews every January. There is also a one-off application fee, which is non-refundable, of £185.
If you are employed by one of our Corporate Partners, and they have agreed to pay for your membership and any application fee, then the process will pick up on this when you tell us who you work for.